Tuesday, January 31, 2012

1.31.12 long day

You know how sometimes you have one of those long, hormonal, want to do nothing but live in your sweats and eat crap kind of day? That was today. THEN my children went to bed at 8...let me say that again...MY CHILDREN WENT TO BED AT 8! Then I got to take a nice long hot shower and the stresses of the day some how melted away. So with that in mind I'm going to make this short because I'm about to get my snuggle on with Landon and watch a movie. Although it was a long day there were definitely some high lights. I'm going to share most of the pictures tomorrow but here's a little preview.
Some in home entertainment.

Bath time.

This is the face Linc gave me as we continued our never ending battle of trying to get him to eat his food.

me: Linc, did you eat your food?
Linc: Um Mom?...I like you.

Next it's going to be Look Mom I like you, I really do, but this making me eat my food thing...it's...it's gotta go.

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