Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1.18.11 strep, ribbon dancing, Lincoln Dehaas, company party

Sooooo guess who has the case of the strep throat? That's right I do. I feel fine other then my glands feel like someone is constantly pinching them. Oh well I'll get better in a day or so. I must of looked tired when Landon got home because he told me that he wanted to pick me up and carry me into a large tub with rose petals and let me soak...just like the Romans did. I can honestly say that he makes me laugh every single day. Not just like funny haha but I'm almost crying I'm going to pee my pants laughing. I just love him with all my being. He makes me feel better just thinking about him. The other night he grabbed a long sock and told me his life long dream was to be a baton ribbon dancer and he started doing the funniest dance with this sock. Anyway it was pretty hilarious.

Well this week I've been pretty proud of myself. I've managed to keep my house clean and....wait for it...stay on top of the laundry!! Not to mention make dinner for our family and my poor Grandma who had heart surgery. I guess I shouldn't be too proud it's only Tuesday. Yesterday I was making the dinner and I hear Linc in our office say "O, R, S, T, Lincoln Dehaas" "Mommy come look!" So I go in and he's sitting on the desk and he had scribbled on a sticky pad. "Here mommy for you, Lincoln Dehaas". It was so adorable. And he had ketchup on his nose to make it even more adorable..r. He is so cute. How about I list some of my favorite things Linc is doing right now. When he needs to go potty he says "mmmmmmI gotta go potty mommy". It is just so funny how he says it. He calls Landon's mom Grandma Tom & Jerry and my mom Grandma Tewy because he watches Tom and Jerry at Heidi's and Ratatouille at my mom's house. He loves watching tornado videos and is constantly telling me that a storm is coming. "Storm's comin mommy, storms comin" He likes to act out everything he watches. This is thee cutest thing you will ever see. It's kind of like interpretive dancing. He likes singing to "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis. When we hug we wrap our arms around each other and say SQUEEZE really loud. I love it when he says yes because he kind of has a small lisp when he says it and it comes out "yeths". I just love this boy more then words. I'm so glad I am his mommy. I am one blessed woman!

See this clearly reads Lincoln DeHaas

My sweet little Lukie is getting so big! He is rolling around and chewing on everything. He's got to be popping out a tooth soon because his drool is crazy. I can't believe how much this little man produces! He likes to pinch peoples faces off and pull out baby hairs. Not his baby hairs but the baby hairs that are at the base of your head...yeah the small painful ones. Good thing he is so adorable he can get away with that kind of crap. He is just the cutest little man. I love his little baby body. I love that he can fit in my lap. I love it when he nuzzles his face in my neck and baby talks. I love his ears. I love his little feet. I love his belly. I love his cute little tush. I love his little nose. I love that he loves his daddy and get's so excited every time he see's him. I just love him! I just feel so blessed to have my little family.

So the next pictures are just some I took of the boys being cute this morning and then the other ones are of Landon's company party. We went bowling and Linc had a fun time. I was sucking big time at bowling. I don't think I've ever done that bad before. I worked at a bowling alley for crying out loud. Due to my terribleness I gave up and talked to Darren's wife, Jessica most of the time. She is a cute girl.

Lukie looks a little drunk in this one but Linc looked so cute so I kept it. Sorry Lukie.

Well that's about it for today. I've been doing OK on my goals...I could do better. Good thing there is tomorrow right?! Ok nighty night. Mom signing out.

01.05.11 New Year Goals

2011 is here! So lets go over my New Years Resolutions shall we? These are in no particular order.
1) write in a journal at least twice a weeks. I think this is so important. I know I'm going to love to read back all the great times we have had, aaaand my memory is HORRIBLE. So I think this will help me remember.
2) Get the kids on a schedule. This year I really want to focus on getting the kids on a schedule. Getting them in the bath and putting them to bed. Hopefully this will help both of them sleep ALL the way through the night. Linc will go to sleep in his bed then wake up in the middle of the night and since I'm waking up with Luke I'm too lazy to sit in his room while he falls back asleep. Plus sometimes he just sits and cries and I don't want him to wake Luke. Anyway this year I hope to make that situation better.
3) Spirituality. The dailies; this includes reading my scriptures, personal and family. Saying prayers, personal and family. Also saying more meaningful prayers. Family Home evening; just do it. Every Monday, just do it. I really want my kids to remember feeling peace in our home and I think this will difinitely help. I want to have good spiritual experiences but also just have ones where we just have fun and are together.
4)Be healthy! I have sadly let myself go. Not horrible I wouldn't say I'm fat but I'm not feeling too cute these days. So eating healthy everyday and working out at least 3 times a week is my goal. I've been going to Zumba lately and I freaking love it. So fun!
5)Spend more time with the kids/do more fun things. With doing photography and conference calls from home I feel like I am at the computer a lot. So my plan is to limit my computer time and spend quality time with the kidlets. I would also really like to go camping and do more fun things like that this year.
6)Budget. I budget like I journal. I'll do really well for a while then stop. So here's to lets keep trying. I can do it!
Well that's about all I've got so far. I might keep adding to this post but for now I think this is good. Ok see you.