Wednesday, January 18, 2012

01.18.12 butter

Today was kind of a lazy day. Landon watched the boys while I worked for half the day, then we just kind of hung out and did nothing. My body still does not want to function. I am now convinced that the power pump teacher was crazy, either that or I've turned into super pansy. I can't even sit down. I get half way and then my legs give out and I plop. I've been doing the 98 year old shuffle. Landon's been making fun of the way I walk all day. Shame on him. Tonight he is out with the Young Men at a dance with the folks at the Developmental Center. He sends me a text Our song is playing. I think ohhh, how sweet! I have such a cute husband. Then I try to think of what song he is talking about. We have a few. So he calls me later and I ask what song it was so he starts to sing it to me. Yeah freaking worst song EVER, ever, ever, ever. It's that song by the Los Lonely Brothers, How far is Heaven. I HATE that song. I cringe every time I hear it. So I told him I took back my mental thought from earlier. That'll teach him.

Only a few pictures today. After I put Luke down I told Linc he could watch a show. I've been cutting back TV time for him. Linc's best friends were starting to be Sponge Bob and Patrick. Anyway I let him watch a few shows and enjoy one of his favorite snacks. Peanut butter on a spoon, he calls it "butter". He get's this little joy from me.

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