Thursday, January 12, 2012

01.12.11 matchy matchy, dinner with the Tanner's, Cali

I have returned from my trip! It was so awesome and fun! I am missing that 70 degree weather, that's for sure. I have to thank Mom and Xiomi again for such a great Christmas gift. Here we are at the start of our girls trip. Monday morning before the crack of dawn.

We arrive in beautiful Cali!

Before we go to our hotel we go 20 min in the opposite direction to get Xiomi's favorite bagels that I was a tad skeptical about. They were worth it. So yummy.

We arrive at Jay Leno! We couldn't take our cameras in which was a bummer. Janet Jackson and Larry the Cable Guy were the guests. Before the show started a dude came out and talked about the show and features on their website blah blah blah then he starts talking about how they like to find people that can do weird things with their bodies or a funny talent. Mom and Xiomi suggest I show them my double jointed thumb....I don't know if I was just excited to be there or if Xiomi had spiked my Pepsi earlier but I stood up and showed everyone my BUTT UGLY THUMB. It was great. I didn't get asked to be on the show. Two ugly thumbs down for Amber. BUT later in the show during a commercial break they did throw me a toy dolphin wearing a Jay Leno T shirt because I got the moves like Jagger. Winner!

01.10.12 Disneyland!
Day two of our trip is spent at Disneyland! It was so great. I hadn't been in like 10 years so I was over due for a visit. It was my first time riding the Tower of Terror and we ended up going on it roughly 200 hundred times...give or take 190. Definitely my favorite ride.

01.08.12 Matching, Dinner with the Tanner's

For some reason I never thought I would be the type of mom that would dress their kids in matching outfits or have their names start with the same letter. In my pre-child brain I thought it was tacky. OK tacky is a strong word so we'll just say I wasn't a fan. Well now that I have children it has magically gone from tacky to totally adorable.
Linc and Luke dressed in their church attire.

Linc takes it to another level.

After church we headed over to the Tanner's for some deliciousness that they had prepared for us. Landon made some beautiful bread for them. Landon is the baker in the family. I am trying to learn his ways.

Luke enjoying the ride.

Polly and Linc played most of the night in Polly's tent that she had on her bed. They play so cute together. Christine and I encourage their marriage every time we are together. Christine said to Polly, Polly when you get older and go to the temple to get married, who are you going to go with? Polly smiled all cute and shy and then you hear Linc in the other room SCREAM at the top of his lungs...LINCOLN!!!! It was so funny and we laughed for a good while.

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