Sunday, January 15, 2012

01.15.12 on time, outside

The DeHaas family was actually on time for church today! Hard to believe I know. We were a whole two minutes early and it was lovely. I didn't feel like we were interrupting everything, we got a decent seat and the boys did better through out the entire meeting. Cha ching! Church was great, we talked about prayer in nursery and Linc told me his favorite part of Sunbeams is when they sing songs. That boy loves to the top of his lungs...with long locks of toilet paper around his head pretending to be Rapunzel. Actually he doesn't really do that anymore. It's kind of crazy how fast they go through phases. I will miss that one. He has started a new thing, I don't know how to describe it other then it sounds like beat boxing. He walks around saying baa baa pss baa baa pss really loud and in different beats. Right now Linc's favorite shows are Sponge Bob (or Spongie Bobbie Squarbie Pantsies has he likes to call it) and Curious George. He is my cutie boy.

Yesterday was so nice out! We went out and Landon cleaned up our yard a bit while I took about a million pictures of our boys.

I chill on the ground while Landon makes up a killer song about raking leaves and shoveling dog poop.

Luke wanted to play inside the chicken coop. He was quite T.O.'d when I told him he couldn't because it was a baby death trap. Mom's ruin all the fun.

Most of the time I keep my camera on auto focus but lately I've been having fun messing around with the manual focus.

Gunner dog.

Who says you can't play in a swimming pool in January?

Landon always finds ways to let the kids help out with the yard work

I took the boys inside and started getting dinner ready. Landon came in a few minutes later and told me that he had proclaimed his love for me in one of our trees...I knew I married a keeper. ;)

On the menu: shrimp tacos topped mango salsa with a side of rice and beans. yuuuuummmmmy

Xiomi came over and brought the boys suckers. Luke eats it in style.

Linc shows us his swirly straw we purchased early that day.

Luke again attempts to ride Gunner. Away canine!

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