Sunday, February 19, 2012

02.19.12 Sunday best, shiner, walk to the wood shop

Linc looking handsome in his Sunday best.

Looking a little creepy while still pulling of handsome.

Poor Linc got a shiner tonight! He was playing on a chair and bumped his cheek on one of the legs.

Yesterday afternoon, after playing tornado comes and picks up our fort and drops it in Disneyland for about an hour, I decided it was time for a little fresh air. Landon was working on our desk at his grandpa's wood shop so we decided to take a walk and go visit him.

Gunner got out as we were trying to leave so we had to hang out for a bit while he peed in all of the yards in our neighborhood.

Ok away we go!

Luke I don't think you are considered "authorized personnel"

I had a "didn't think that one through" moment when I realized all of the dangerous things my very curious 18 month old could get into at the wood shop. I gave him a broom and that occupied him for a little bit. And the place needed some serious sweepage done. Win win!

Daddy made Linc a sword that he thought was the coolest thing in the world.
Announcing Sir Lincoln!

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