Sunday, August 5, 2012

8.05.12 tomato, boys, deer creek {catch up}

Today was the day. The day that I got to eat one of these heavenly things...
(was that a big enough picture for you? can't you just taste it's juiciness?) I wait all year for them. One of life's greatest treasures are home grown tomatoes. Ours are not ripe yet so when Landon's dad showed up with some of these babies from his garden I almost peed my pants. I enjoyed a nice juicy tomato melt for lunch that was delectable. Any howser. Church was excellent today, it was filled with spiritual enlightenment and lifting of the soul. A perfect way to end my week. I got released from Nursery last week so this was my second week of being able to attend Sunday school and Relief Society. It was so great and very much needed. Yesterday when I got the boys out of the tub they looked so cute together with their matching wet hair dos sitting on the bed in their towels. How did my boys get to be so big?
Linc has been making up words lately. Yesterday when Landon and I were eating dinner and after he asked me for chocolate milk for the 80 billionth time. He said "mom. (big breath) when you don't get me chocolate milk then my brain will get fedicated." Well what ever fedicated is, it doesn't sound good.
DEER CREEK {catch up} When Hill and the kids were here we thought it would be fun to take the kids to Deer Creek to do a little photo shoot and let them play. We get all the way out there and I realize that I had forgotten my battery for my camera (winner!) so Heidi was so nice and drove all the way out there to bring me my battery. About 10 minutes after Heidi gets there it started getting windy and rainy so it kind of turned out to be a bust but at least the kids got to play for a little bit before it got too cold.

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