Friday, August 24, 2012

8.24.12 day of yard work, fight with a bee

Today was a day of yard work. Landino has worked so hard to finish up our pathway and it is looking beeeeautiful. So to continue on with the beautiness we decided to buy some poopie dirt so that our flower beds may also look beautiful. After we got all of the flower beds weeded we decided to put down a weed barrier so that we don't have to weed every 5 seconds. Those babies come back so fast! It doesn't look like we accomplished a lot but this project took most of the day and we are still not finished. It looks so much better then it did though. Not that I am tooting our own horn here (ok I am) but our yard is looking about a million times better then when we bought it. I will have to post a few pictures of when we first moved in to our humble abode. It has taken a long time but I love that we have made our little castle the way we want it. Someday when most of our projects are done, I want to make a coffee table book of before and after pictures of all of the things we've made our own. But that is a ways away. We've got quite a few projects left. :)
After our yard work was finished up, we headed to the back yard. We ventured over to the chicken coop to see if the chicks had laid any more eggs and Luke went and played over by the swing set. Now if you know Lukie, you know he likes to scream. a lot. So when he first started crying I didn't think anything was wrong besides he was frustrated at something. Then he took a deep breath in and did one of those "mouth open no sound coming out for a good 20 seconds before letting it wail" cries and I knew this one was different. Then I hear his sad little voice "bee! beeeeeeee! bee!" I felt so bad. And that stupid bee picked his eye brow of all places. It got nice and red and all swollen.
Nothing blankie, turtle and some chocolate milk can't fix.

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