Sunday, March 25, 2012

3.25.12 spring, the pit, good dad, little red and big bad

Spring. is. here.

Another photo Linc is going to LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE me for but I'm sorry, I'm totally justified here.

We had the Rawlings over Friday to enjoy some hot dogs cooked in the pit. We always have a great time with the Rawlings and this night was no different!

Linc telling us a story. Joe attentively listening.

Nothing like cruis'n with your brother in a pink barbie car on a fine spring day.

I'm not going to lie I find it very attractive when Landino plays with the kids. So you can imagine my raging attraction this day...
Dad aka a foot stool

aka a human trampoline

aka awesomeness

aka a chair

aka a foot rest while I pick my nose. aka best dad ever!

The disaster after dinner one night. I usually clean as I make dinner but this night was not the case. Good thing it was tasty!

We went out to lunch with my mom's side of the family last week. When we were finished we went out side and saw a perfect hill for rolling down.

Linc's new favorite thing. Eating all of the marshmallows from Lucky Charms cereal.

Luke's new favorite thing. Driving. We only let him drive around town. He'll be at least 3 when we start letting him drive on the freeway.

Christine and I had an idea to do a themed photo shoot with our wee ones and so Little Red Riding Hood the Big Bad Wolf was our pick. I love Linc and Polly's little friendship. They are so cute with each other. Here are a "few" of my favorites from that day.

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