Saturday, March 3, 2012

3.03.12 birthday part-ays, rock'n Lukie

We did Linc's birthday party pretty low key this year. We just had a few family members over to celebrate his big day with pizza, cake and ice cream and some balloon beating fun.

my baby looking so big!

marsh mellow cereal!

Linc loves birthday cards. It was so cute; he would get so excited to get his cards. This one was especially cool because it had candles to blow out.

We got a pinata for Linc and he was so excited. This is how it started out...yes a little scary.

so mom came in to help out a little bit, just to make sure we were swinging in the right direction.

Linc was so tired by the end of his party he did not want any more pictures.

After all of the guests left Linc took his pants off, put on his birthday crown and walked around with his kites. Good way to end a party I think.

For Grandma's birthday Michele and I made her a blanket made out of Grandpa's old shirts. Thanks to mom's help it turned out pretty good and she really loved it.

The boys seriously love to play in the tub. They take about two baths a day, which is ok because they are boys and most of the time need it.

Aunt Susan always sends Linc a birthday card and some money for his birthday. So thoughtful! We took a picture of his presents that he picked out that we will send with a thank you card.

What up Lukie.

Mom and family had strep throat for Linc's birthday party so we had another little one for him on Sunday at mom's house.

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