Sunday, December 18, 2011

12.18.11 catching up {part 1}

I'm back! I didn't take a nap before. I laid down and tried to fall asleep but couldn't turn my brain off. Dang it all. Oh well, I'll be hitting the hay after I finish this up and I'm sure I'll be out like a light. Someday I will blog a few times a week and then we wont have this catching up problem. Part 2 to come soon.

My little man is growing up. Sometimes I try to deny it but then I hear things like, That was freaking weird, come out of his little mouth and I'm reminded that he is almost 4. 4! He's been saying some pretty funny stuff lately. A couple of weeks ago we are all sitting in the office. I've got Linc on my lap snuggled up to me when he leans back and say's, mom look at your big ol' boobies. and proceeds to bang on them like bongo drums. Say what! Then I proceed to slug Landon in the arm. He surely did not pick that up from me.
Another night we are laying on the couch and I rubbed my feet making a funny noise so Landon tells Linc that the couch made a tooter and Linc says Dad couches can't fart they don't have bums! touche Linc...touche

12.10.11 Park City. We went up to the Welch's condo for the weekend and it was so fun. We ate good food, played games and watched movies. I didn't take too many pictures, just a few on the night we went out for dinner at Main Street Pizza and Noodle. We ate yummy pizza and watched Luke make funny faces and some how managed to spill two drinks. One on me, creating the oh look I peed my pants look, and the other all down the front of Luke. Never a dull moment with kiddos.

Luke says hello to our neighbors.

12.09.11 Linc's Christmas program. This was one of the cutest things I have ever seen. Linc was an adorable elf and did such a good job. He did all of the hand motions and loved every minute of the program. kid is THAT kid. Picking his nose on stage. The best part is the girl next to him giving him the evil eye.

Linc's teacher Ms. Clark is so cute. Linc just loves her. (top, middle, waving)

and Linc get's a little distracted.

Ms. Clark intervenes.

Notice Ms. Clark's face trying to keep my trouble maker in line. But really who wouldn't get kind of crazy dressed as a presant?

Linc post elf hat.

12.05.11 Feeling the love

12.03.11 Growing up it was a tradition for both Landon and I to have a real Christmas tree so we are gladly carrying on the tradition. The DeHaas family sets out in search of a Christmas tree...

Our tree! Ok everyone look at me and smile! ....ok good enough

We take a small break from setting up the tree to enjoy some hot chocolate with Meagan. Deeeeeeelicious.

So purdy.

12.02.11 squeeeeeeeeze. Luke and Link give each other a hug and say squeeeeeze and then fall over and laugh.

Then they make a slide out of the couch cushions.

12.01.11 The boys get ready to head out into the cold.

Ok folks that's it for me for tonight. Mom out.

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