We have recently made a new purchase. A Bronco to be exact. We love it. We can't wait to take it camping and do other fun family outings in it. It fits in quite well.
Landy and the boys washing the Bronky...
This is a mighty tulip that will not die. We've tried for a few years to pull this baby up because it is in the middle of our yard but it keeps growing back. We decided that it some how has a will to live and who are we to be tulip murderers. And so she stayed. Landon even weed eated around her so he didn't mow her over, determined to leave it the rest of the summer. Two seconds later Linc had pulled her head off and brought it to me as a gift. Good thing she'll be back next year.
Funny things Linc has said the past week:
telling me about his dream he says...mom there was a freaking tornado...and it was freaking beautiful!
getting ready for church-
me: Linc come pick out which church shoes you want to wear.
Linc: Well is it church shoes or flip flops?
me: church shoes. We are going to church so you need to wear nice shoes.
Linc: Well Jesus Christ...he likes to wear flip flops.
me: ............well they were more like nice sandals and thats just what they...just come pick out some church shoes.
The last few marvelous days have been filled with yard work, playing out side in the water, chasing flying cotton, and more yard work. I am happy to report our yard is on it's way to looking decent again. We've all slept well after long days in the sun. (sorry for the totally random order these are in, blogger has changed on me and they are posted all out of order)
Linc enjoying some April showers.
Our chicks! The boys have LOVED having little chickens around, especially Linc. He has become quite the mother hen. He likes to rock them back and forth and sing to them. His favorite thing is to put them on his shoulder like they are his parrot. Luke just likes to give them kisses and say "aawwwww". It's really adorable. We've had a difficult time agreeing on names. So far we have 5 out of the 6 named. The three white ones are named Lincoln-chickie, (ckickie for short.) Bee Bop and Rocksteddy (who knows if I spelled that right), then the brown ones are sweet little senoritas named Maria and Rosa. Can you guess who picked out which names? It took quite some begging and pleading from Landon to name two Bee Bop and Rocksteddy. The only one left is the black one, but don't worry, she won't be nameless for too long. It will come to us.