Sunday, May 27, 2012

5.27.12 color, salsa, camp out, evenings

My little Luke is getting so big! He loves tractors and popsicles. His new favorite thing is to color.
Tracing his hand.
Home made salsa, YUM!
I love this picture of Linc. He looks so little and I can see his little baby/toddler face shining through. Sometimes when I look at him he looks like a mini man and I realize how big he is really getting and how fast it's going by. Pictures like these make me happy.
Our house has been INFESTED with these ugly creepy creatures. The black and white jumping spiders. The ones that have no fear and turn to attack when you try to kill them. I found them in the office, in the laundry, ON MY PILLOW (I still have the creeps from that one). I had killed about 10 before we had some one come and spray for them. Since then I haven't seen one.
HASTA LA VISTA BABY!! (yes I had to look up how to spell that on should of seen how I tried to spell it. ha!)
The first DeHaas Family Backyard Campout! Only one surviver made it the entire night. Let's give it up for Dad!
Lukie didn't even attempt to sleep in the tent so he was out first, then mom went in after Linc fell asleep, (I was feeling a little weird about Lukie being inside all by himself even though the baby monitor was on...just in case anyone is sitting there calling me a pansy) then Linc came in around 3am. So congrats to dad!
Look at Landy's cute sleepy face.
{Mother's Day 2012 on our drive up the canyon}
Some evenings we like to lay in the backyard in our hammock and laugh at Luke do funny things. I would tell some of the things he does but it's kind of one of those have to be there slash have to be your kid in order for it to be funny kind of deal.

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