Sunday, November 27, 2011

11.27.11 special area, flu, leaves, breaking dawn

Hello, hello. What's up Julios. November is almost over! Can you believe it? Next thing you know it's going to be Christmas. Luckily I have most of my Christmas done which is nice. We are not going too fancy this year since el Landino still doesn't have an el jobo but that didn't stop me from hitting up Black Friday again this year. This is my second year doing it and it gets pretty crazy but we got some great deals. I went with Megan and Tessie and their mom which was great. We stayed out until 4 in the AM and let me tell you I am still tired from it. I am a pansy when it comes to my sleep. Any way let's move on. Let's take a look back on a few highlights of this month. Linc will kick the highlights off. Linc is going through a very talkative stage lately and tries to talk himself out of EVERYTHING.

An example...
Linc(at 9:30pm): Mommy can I have some nuggets?
Me: No, sorry Linc it's too late and it's time for bed
Linc: Whhhhhuhuhuyyyy? Remember last night when I said that I need some nuggets so that my body can be strong. You remember last night? You have to tell me honestly. Look at me...LOOK at me. Can I have some nuggets? It will make my tummy feel better. If I don't have nuggets it will make my cry and I will be sad.

This is basically the conversation we have any time I tell him no. It's so funny the stuff he picks up on. Sadly a few swears have come out of his mouth. The SH word to be exact. And he's picked the best times to say them...nursery, in front of judgmental family members, it's great. Unfortunately he's picked up this word from me. I will admit it, this one flies out of me sometimes and I really am trying to work on it since I am poisoning my little ones. There are a few good things Linc has picked up on. A few weeks ago a little boy in my grandparent's ward was molested in the American Fork Walmart's bathroom. This made me so sick to think about so I decided Linc was old enough to start talking to him about stranger danger and his "special area". So we had the talk and it went good. Well a couple weeks ago we went to (up)chuck-o-rama to visit Nikki at work and Linc had to use the bathroom. So I take him in there and he just starts talking and talking.

"Yeah this is my special area, we don't ever touch it, see it's special. Only the doctor can cause it is my very, very, very special areaaa...oup here it comes, here comes my poop. There it goes, there it goes! Oh it splashed me that's so silly. It splashed my bum."

I can only imagine what the people in the other stalls were thinking. Well I'm glad he understands it's his special area and we don't let people touch it. He is such a little smarty. He sings songs all the time that he learns in school and it's so cute. He knows the Pledge of Allegiance. I'll be putting up a video of that soon.

Ok let's share some pictures. These were of Lukie Pookie in the tub on November 3rd. I love the one where he has a foam letter stuck to his head.

November 9th is next on the list. The boys are hanging out on the bed we made on the floor for Luke when he had the flu.

The flu hit us BAD this year. It started at 8pm on Thursday, Luke had been asleep for about an hour when he woke up screaming. I went in to check on him and there was puke every where. Poor baby. So I took all his clothes off and put him in the tub, got the crib all cleaned up, new clothes on Lukie and went to go put him back in bed when the puke strikes again. So I take all of his clothes off and have him leaned over the tub while he throws up. Honestly it was terrible. The poor thing was choking because he couldn't get everything out. After about a half hour of this Linc decides to burst into the bathroom with a magic show. "Abra ca pong ca ping ca chong!!" Waving his arms around doing the windmill arms of furry. I've got Luke puking, screaming, choking in the tub, I'm covered in puke watching Linc's magic show and that's when I knew I needed some help. Landon was at an appointment so I called my mom and she and Xiomi came over which was a huge help, both physically and emotionally. I was just so sad for my baby. He had thrown up about 10 times at this point and was so tired that he started falling asleep in between throwing up. I didn't feel good about putting him in his crib since he had been choking so we made a bed in the living room and Landon and I took shifts sleeping by him. Poor Luke would be asleep and then wake up crying and then start to crawl around in circles while he dry heaved. By morning he was feeling a lot better which was such a relief. He took a bottle and kept it down and it was smooth recovery from there for Luke. Then mine hit. I was walking into our bedroom when all of the sudden wabam! Yep poop. Pooped my pants.
ME: Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap!
Landon: What is going on??
Me: I am literally crapping my pants right now.
I might of edited that a little bit. I told you I was working on the SH word. Then the rest of the night is spent throwing up and pooping my pants. Around 1am Linc joins the fun. He's in our bed and he starts crying saying his tummy hurts so I go into lay with him, two seconds later he is throwing up all over. We both run to the bathroom I put Linc in the tub and I start throwing up in the toilet. It was SOOOOO fun. So night two Landon, Linc and I are on the bed made in the living room trying to survive. Next day Linc is feeling better so my mom takes the boys for a few hours so Landon and I can sleep. That night Landon gets hit. Luckily I was starting to feel better so I could actually help out. It was a long couple of days and I was so glad when it was over. The flu started on a Thursday and by Sunday I was feeling most of the way better. I walked around our back yard Sunday morning with a towel on my head and Landon's shoes on and took pictures. It was so refreshing!
Nov 13, the morning after the flu storm

Nov 16, the boys play in the leaves.

Nov. 15 When husbands attack...

Nov 17. Yes I am a nerd. Yes I went to Breaking Dawn opening night. Yes I went to it again the night after. BUT to my defense the second night I didn't pay for it, it was just another fun night out with girls. I loved the books, the movies I go mainly to laugh at them and to have a night out with girls and talk about Jacobs manly muscles and Edwards droopy nipple. Seriously he has one. My friend Jordan has the hook ups so our showing was at 9 instead of 12 and they had a pre party bash that included cake, water and a gift. My gift was a hair bow made out of film paper and a button that had Bella and Edward on it. HOT. Jordan got a pen syringe and Mel got apple earrings. We also got a bag on our seats with some goodies. Some snacks and plastic vampire teeth. The night was a success that is for sure.

Nov 21 Luke says "eeeeeeese" and makes the funniest face every time I pull out my camera. So darn cute.

This is a picture of what once was an orange. I usually have Landon peel the oranges so this doesn't happen. I am THE worst orange peeler on the planet. Linc and Luke are stuck with shredded oranges for life I'm afraid.

Nov 24 Luke was helping me with the dishes when he decided his car needed a wash.
This kid is so sneaky. I went to grab his shoes and came back into the room and he had found Linc's plate with ketchup on it and went to town.

This year for Thanksgiving we went to my grandparents house. Grandpa had a heart attack a few nights before so sadly he was in the hospital and couldn't make it. He is doing better now but it was sad he wasn't there cause we missed him. We had our cousins in town from Iowa and Kentucky so that was fun to see all of them. Then we went home and just hung out the rest of the night. It was a fun day. I have so much to be grateful for in my life. Life is good. I didn't take any pictures on Thanksgiving but it was lovely. That is where I will leave you for now. Puerto Rrrrrico part 2 is up next!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

11.22.11 Puerto Rrrrrrrrrico part 2!

Here we are with part 2 of our awesome trip! This includes a market we got some avocados and orange things, Rock Bottom, a delicious place we went to eat at a couple of times, Steps beach and their yummy pinia coladas, the "flea market", this place was kind of crappy. Not what we were expecting and it was SUPER hot. We lasted about a half hour at this place.