Sunday, March 6, 2011

3.06.11 Linc's birthday, sick kids, new pics

Hello there. So if I were to describe this week with one word it would be LOOOOOOOOOOONG. It started last week when Luke started coughing and his nose turning into a waterfall of snot. Turns out he had RSV. So I had to take him to the hospital and get his little nose sucked out. It was so sad. They stick this little tube clear up his nose. He freaked out the poor little man. After that he started feeling better and not being as fussy. Then Linc started coughing and got a fever. I ended up running to Walmart at 2:30 in the morning to get some medicine because the back up one I had was expired. I felt so bad for him. He would cough and cry and was burning up. He would just lay on the couch and not move which is very much not like Linc. So after a day of doing that I took him in. I thought he probably had RSV like Luke and the Dr said it probably started out that way but it turned into an ear infection and some pneumonia in his right lung. So he prescribed and anti biotic and that has worked great! I came in after feeding Luke at about 2:30 and Linc said "Hi mommy, come lay by me. I feel better, I happy. I'm beautiful!" It was so funny and adorable. I am SO glad he is feeling better. I'm so glad they are both feeling better! I was kind of going crazy. Landon was welding an iron gazebo for a couple that is getting married so he didn't get home until 10 every single night so it was tough not having any help. Since they both didn't feel well they both wanted to be held the whole time. So I would hold Linc and Luke would have to freak out on the floor for a while. Then I'd switch and hold Luke and Linc would cry. I felt helpless. and tired. So to say that this week has been long for everyone is an understatement. I'm glad it's over and the boys are feeling better and Landon doesn't have to work until 10 every night. He is bushed.

mommy and Lukie

Flowers Landon gave me on Valentine's day. Landon always arranges the flowers he gets me. So pretty!

Annnnyway, onto something more delightful. Linc turned 3! His birthday was on a Tuesday so we went out to Texas Road house with Michele, Kelly, Nikki and Tommy. It was fun! Linc got to sit on the saddle and we all hollered for him. Then we had a party on Saturday that friends and family came to. It was a full house! We had pizza and cake and ice cream. We didn't play any games we just blew up a bunch of balloons and let the kids play with them in the living room. It was a hit! Lots of people showed up which was really fun. Linc is getting so old! The night before he turned 3 I remembered what I was doing 3 years earlier at that time. My contractions started at 2am and Landon and I watched West Side Story while timing my contractions. We went in at 6am they told me to go home at 9. I was back in at 10:30 and had Linc at 3:07pm. He was so beautiful. Still is so beautiful, (as he will tell you). I love him so much! Here's some pictures of Texas Road house and of his birthday party.

So I needed to update some pictures of the kids. I bought some new photography paper so we did a little photoshoot.

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