Some fun facts about Lukie
he likes to dance
says cheese when I take his pictures
took his first steps at 9 months
got his first tooth at 12 months
loves his blanky
loves his daddy
likes to give kisses
likes it when we sing "big Lukie, big Lukie, big Lukie, big Lukie awww yeah!" (done to the tune of big booty)
Linc's nickname for Lukie is Lukie-pie.

For his birthday we did a cookies and milk party and it was so fun. Here are a few from his big day.

Bridle Veil Falls
Another fun activity we did when Hill, Jer and the kids were here was a trip to Bridle Veil Falls. The kids loved it. They got to play in the water and throw rocks. What kid doesn't love that?

Lukie had a great time. He can't get away as fast as the others so he got attacked with my camera.

Izzy the bridle veil monster. We were laughing so hard at her hair. It was all done up and then she pulled it out.

Temple Square
We also walked around Temple square on saw the sights. Linc kept saying "There's the temple, that's where mommy and daddy got married." Here are some pics from that day.

The girl in the front seriously wanted to punch Izzy in the face. Linc and Iz were throwing toys in the front seat and this girl was not having it. Look at her face. So funny!

There was a section that taught you how to Mexican dance and Luke loved it. I was doing circles and rocking back and forth. Oley!

Izzy's drawing of Linc. Pretty accurate.

Fire pit
Well we finally started using our fire pit! It's not all the way finished but we are using it anyways. It's been so fun to have friends over and roast some mallows. We just need to get some decent fire pokers and we should be set.

Linc started preschool!! This was taken before we started getting ready and I just love it. One of my favorite pictures of Linc for sure.

Linc helping Lukie put his shoes on because he has to go to school too.

Here are a few of him holding his first day of preschool sign.

The first day was kind of rough. He didn't want me to leave and would not let go of me. The teacher had to pry him off me and I left him crying for me. It was so hard to leave! I couldn't wait to go pick him up. I was so nervous he hated it the whole time. Well of course he loved it. I was so glad. When I picked him up that's all he talked about for a while. "I want to go back to school mom. I went to school all by myself, see I bigger!" I'm so glad he had a good time. His second day went great and he didn't have any problems being there by himself.
Pickles baby, pickles. Landon makes the best pickles! Here's the first batch he's made.

I love being able to get things from our garden to eat. Our zucchini has kind of gone crazy.

We call this one Big Bertha.

I made some spaghetti sauce from a bunch of stuff from our garden and it turned out pretty good! Lukie liked it that's for sure.

Lukie was suppose to be taking a nap. I went in to check on him and a see the tip of a toy sword hanging out of the crib.

Linc loves flash lights as you've heard me say before. He thought the head light was super cool so we used it to read a bed time story.

We're starting Linc early on mowing the lawn.

Well that's about it for now. I think I'm mostly caught up so they shouldn't be so long next time. :)