Friday, June 29, 2012

6.29.12 Lava Hot Springs

Today is day 3 of Landy being away to scout camp. I miss my mate. He will be home tomorrow morning so hooray for that! Today was a pretty good day. It started out with breakfast shakes with Mugs, then my 10 year high school reunion lunch in the park thingy, then I laid in the back yard and read a book for two hours while the boys played. Before we went inside Linc laid down to snuggle with me and we made shapes out of the clouds. I saw an elephant and a bug, and Linc saw a bunch of tornados (no surprise there). After that we joined Mugs (her hubby is as scout camp too) and Garritto for papa murphy's pizza. Now the boys are bathed and in bed catching some z's, and I am sitting here filling you fine folks in on our day. Pretty exciting eh? Really I should be folding my giant pile of clothes right now. pffff story of my life. Anyway let's not talk about the "L" word.

 Next up are the photos from our Lava Hot Springs trip. The only event I don't have, which happens to be my favorite one, is when we went down the river on tubes. The first trip down, Landon, Linc and I went down on a double tube...a little too scary for my taste. But we did have a good time watching Xiomi and Lauren fall off of their tubes multiple times. For our second trip down we all decided to get a quadruple tube that could fit all of us and that was much more fun. Here are the bajillion pics from our trip.
 Road trip! Woot woot!
(Day 1) Eating, going swimming, eating, napping, exploring, picture taking, eating, evening drive to put the boys to sleep, playing games until 2am.
The Lava Hot Springs pool! Linc and Luke loved swimming and going down the little slides. I jumped off the lowest one of the high dives. I know. I'm bad A.
The "L" on the mountain no longer stands for Lava Hot Springs, it is now for Landon, Lincoln and Luke.
Lukie was so tired after playing in the pool. He was trying so hard to stay awake to eat his sucker on the drive back to the cabin. He didn't quite make it and didn't even notice when I pulled it out of his mouth.
(Day 2) We took a small trip to an old town called Chesterfield. Some of Russells family members had lived there when it was first established in the 1800's. After that little trip is when we took a float down the river and as stated before no pictures were taken. Actually that's a lie, Xiomi brought her water proof camera so maybe one day when I get those I'll share a few. I'm sure there are some good ones.
Getting ready for the road trip home.
It was our first trip to Lava Hot Springs and we loved it! We are definitely planning on returning one day. Well that is all for now. Ta ta.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

6.27.12 raspberries, sunny, good daddy

I'd like to welcome back with open arms (and mouth) our raspberries! I enjoyed my first bowl and oh my it. was. delightful.
Today's weather, brought to you by me; sunny with a few clouds.
good daddy

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

6.26.12 Follow the Prophet

Linc's version of Follow the Prophet.

"Follow the Prophet, follow the prophet, follow the prophet because he'll show you what way to go!"

 He gets the main idea.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

6.24.12 fishing {catch up from May}

Happy Sunday all. We've had an excellent weekend. Last night we returned from Lava Hot Springs. It was the first time any of us had been and it was F.U.N. We played in the pool and made our way down the river on a tube. I have a lot of pictures to share coming up.

We took the boys fishing for the first time back in May, and Linc (with the help of dad casting) caught himself a fish! Those spider man fishing poles work pretty good. He was just a little guy so we threw him back, plus there would of been some guilt involved with eating him after Linc told us that the fish needed to go back with his mommy and daddy.