Sunday, March 31, 2013

Guess who's back, catch up for October

Hello!  Holy crapolie it's been a while.  I feel terrible for my neglect of the blog for the past few months but I'm back!  October was the busiest month of my life, then November was the after shock of October and I literally wanted to do nothing and then December through Feb I was just trying to not die and survive the first part of pregnancy.  Now it is March and I'm feeling pretty good, ready to continue documenting our lives here at the DeHaas abode.  There is going to be quite a bit of catch up going on around here for the next wee bit.  Although I didn't post anything I still continued my picture taking madness so luckily it was somewhat documented. So I don't continue to get farther behind I'll be sharing a few recent things and then onto the catch up.
We have a few very exciting things coming up...numba 1, the most exciting, another sweet boy is joining our family in a few months and I cannot wait to meet this little man!  We were going to wait another year to get pregnant until some spiritual intervention occurred and I knew this sweet spirit was ready to join our family now.  Linc is super excited, he kisses and talks to my belly all the time.  He also tells me that my belly is getting bigger and so is my butt so that is exciting.  Luke has been cute about it too, he'll pat my belly or my ta ta's (he get's a little confused) and say "baby in there, baby mommy's tummy." We're are going to start getting the nursery ready this next week because I don't want to be super large trying to get all that stuff organized and put together.
Ok numba 2, Landon is going back to school in the fall!  He is going to get his masters degree in geology. We have been talking and praying about this for a while now and we are finally doing it.  Yay for starting school at 30! Better late then never I say.  We are really excited and kind of scared about it.  It's going to be a mad house once he starts going, but we know this is the next adventure for our little family so onward we go!
Those are the main exciting new life changers going on currently so I'll be sure to keep better updated through our journeys this year.
These were taken a few days ago of Lukie and Landino.   I walked past the boys room and Luke was examining Landon's beard and just being so cute. Luke is a daddy's boy and I just love it.  Landon had just finished shaving his head and trimming his beard so that will explain the partial nudity going on.

Catch up time baby!  Here is our month of October.

Road trip to Cali!  We headed to California to stay with my Aunt Barbie and Shelly at their beautiful house and do a craft fair.

Washington DC!  I was able to visit my Aunt Brenda that lives in Virginia and do a few photo sessions out there.  It was awesome and I had so much fun!
